
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Water At Last

Twenty Minutes later and a bore hole that has not pumped water for more than five years is delivering 2500 liters per hour.

We witnessed community members dancing in the water and singing in joy. It really brought me back to earth to witness the hardships these communities have to endure.

Who said water provision is a democratic right?

Thankfully the Tsolwana Municipality has commissioned us to repair six of these windmills.
The communities in this area are going to receive a great Chistmas Present. Fresh Water on their door step.

This will bet he first BrumbyPump instalation in rural South Africa. The Tsolwana Municipality must be complimented for the pro activeness.

Brumby Pumps Deliver a Solution

Here we are installing The Brumby Pump. The installation took approx 20 Minutes.

The cost of repairing this windmill is R48 000.00
We can recommission 5 bore holes with Brumby Pumps and compressors for the same cost as repairing the windmill.

The major advantage is that there is no maintenance required on the BrumbyPump. The reason is that it has no working parts and operates using compressed air.

Brumby Pumps To The Rescue

This picture depicts a very common problem in the rural areas of the Eastern Cape , South Africa.

This windmill has not pumped water in excess of 5 years. The local community are walking in excess of 4 kilometers , pushing wheel barrows with plastic containers in them to the nearest water. In this case a very slimy pool in a river. When this picture was taken the area was gripped in a lenghty drought.

This picture was taken in the Tsolwana Municipal area near Queenstown.